Reducing stress for IVF patients

The unpredictable nature of in vitro fertilisation can produce feelings of stress and anxiety. Women receiving fertility treatment, especially in the initial lead up to a pregnancy test can often maintain elevated stress levels. So, identifying stress management tips that work for you is vital. Acupuncture Coffs Harbour can provide some of these recommended strategies, including massage and acupuncture, to help ease the stress of IVF-related anxiety. Fear of the treatment being unsuccessful, financial pressures and the emotional toll on couples can all be triggers of stress when going down the path of IVF.

The recent findings of a positive correlation between acupuncture and stress reduction suggests that acupuncture may help provide important therapeutic interventions for patients. This was met with great optimism by the team at Acupuncture Coffs Harbour and the thousands of women undertaking the IVF journey. Although researchers note “acupuncture appears to be a promising stress-lowering tool for women undergoing IVF,” the regularity of your treatment is indicative of the success in lowering stress.

Research published in Fertility and Sterility, an American Society For Reproduction Medicine publication, measured the dose dependent effect of acupuncture on stress for women undergoing IVF. Suggesting stress levels would persist if only a single acupuncture treatment was administered on the day of the embryo transfer, therefore not clinically significant. However, stress reduced significantly for women receiving several acupuncture treatments (over a period of time greater than one month) prior to the day of embryo transfer. Following on from this positive development, researchers have recommended additional studies into the effects of acupuncture on fertility.

At Acupuncture Coffs Harbour, our Registered Acupuncturist is a highly skilled practitioner of Chinese Medicine with a deep desire to see all patients’ health issues resolved. Whether it be IVF related stress or resolving sleep issues, make an enquiry today and we’ll put you on the right path.

Chinese Medicine and IVF

The origins of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can be traced back thousands of years, making it one of the oldest and most trusted health care systems in the world. TCM refers to a broad range of medicine practices, including acupuncture and Chinese herbs. TCM can be used as a stand-alone option to enhance fertility and treat infertility, however, it can also be safely used in conjunction with in vitro fertilization (IVF).

A recent study found IVF live birth success rates could increase with TCM therapies, including both acupuncture and Chinese herbs. A meta-analysis of over 1200 IVF patient records was examined. Application of TCM methods was associated with a significant increase in the live birth rate for both fresh donor and non-donor IVF embryo transfers.

As the number of women struggling to conceive increases, Traditional Chinese Medicine is experiencing a growth in popularity as couples pursue alternative or natural fertility methods. News of successful outcomes for couples, backed up by research, are increasing. Don’t hesitate to get in contact today and Acupuncture Coffs Harbour will help you with your individual journey.




Sutton, C., S. Pentland, and J. Roberts. “A Comparison of Stress Levels in Women Undergoing Single Versus Multiple Acupuncture Session Prior to Embryo Transfer.” Fertility and Sterility 103, no. 2 (2015): e36-e37.

Author Affiliations:

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.

Yinstill Reproductive Wellness, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Vancouver, BC.

Pacific Centre for Reproductive Medicine, Burnaby, BC.

Rubin, Lee E. Hullender, Michael S. Opsahl, Klaus Wiemer, Scott D. Mist, and Aaron B. Caughey. “Impact of whole systems traditional Chinese medicine on in vitro fertilization outcomes.” Reproductive BioMedicine Online (2015).

Zuppa, Carina, Carine H. do Prado, Andrea Wieck, Aline Zaparte, Andressa Barbosa, and Moisés Evandro Bauer. “Acupuncture for sleep quality, BDNF levels and immunosenescence: A randomized controlled study.” Neuroscience letters 587 (2015): 35-40.